31st December 2005
I hardly realised that today is New Year's Eve. I had thought today was only the 30th.. Haiz.. It seems my memory has once again failed me.. I was just surfing the web when I saw this site, http://mysticallegends.com/, its a site for fanfiction and where fanfic authors like me get along to discuss their latest fic or helps needed. Actually most of the members are from fanfiction.net and yes I joined in the fun. I was actually surprised to find that the site has been on since 2001 and not once had I noticed it.
Anyway lately I have realised that I'm seriously lacking of friends. I really need to go out more often and make my circle of friends larger. Sheesh!! I need a new fresh life if I were to survive for another let say 5 years more.. lol.. But serious.. I really do need to make new frens... but the question is... HOW!!
Lol.. yeah I know it sounds horribly hilarious but try being in my position whereby the population of animals is more than human.. Life can never get more 'fun'..
By the way, the over-hyperactive kittens of mine , Kenny and Felix, are getting more and more hyper. They can't even sit still for a moment before they start sprinting and pawing playfully at each other. There was once while my other cat, Kuning (mix of Persian and a local breed) was napping beside the dining table, Kenny got his paws in the mischief socks and jumped onto the unexpected Kuning. Yes there was a huge meowing and hissing from Kuning while Kenny attempts at running away.. It was hilarious! Thats not the only comical stuffs that those michievious creatures had concocted.
Lately my mind and especially my hands are itching to get this game that was reviewed highly by The Star, a local newspaper. The title is... Ahh!!! I can't remember it!! Oh no.... Just when I wanted to buy it, my stupid memory fails me... grr... Is there a way to change a new memory like the ones they use on the comp? I guess not.. Haiz..
I changed the pictures that I stick on my computer again. This time I stick the pics which I took when my family and my uncle's went together to Cameron Highlands for a holiday. All of the kids look impish especially the vampy-less younger sister of mine. I heard from my sis a few days ago that my cute lil niece had her first crawl at 10pm. Should go to Singapore and see that for myself.
Today at work, I got very pleased at the price rate for this courier company. I sent a huge parcel weighing 6kg to Kota Kinabalu and guess the price I got. They charged me RM43! Cheap! I mean usually I send almost the same weight parcel to K.K at RM60++. I had thought one of the workers took the parcel from us but it was shocking to find that the Marketing Executive came over, packaged it and delivered it. The customer service was very good, reliable and exceptionally friendly!!! Wow! I mean usually the delivery boys would just scowl, mumble a few incohorent words and sweep the package off my hands but this company, they really made my day!!
I take my hat off to JB Express System Sdn Bhd and their hardworking Marketing Executive, Jeffry Cher. If you ask me, they should give the guy a pay raise or a big fat end of year bonus. The service line customer service should get more of these people instead of the idiots who thinks we are giving them problems instead of good money. Seriously, this place is totally lackiing in good customer service. And I mean LACKING!!!
Oklah it seems I have to get back to work.
Happy New Year!!
Quote of the day: Why ME?!
Ramblings of a Vamp is supported by:
Saturday, December 31, 2005
New Years Eve
Posted by
10:07 AM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Work.. N more WORK
13th December 2005, Tuesday
Early in the morning while I was just slurping on my heavenly coffee with work starting in like an hours time, my hp rang and before I knew it, work started for the second I put the hp down. And my coffee was still 3/4 unfinished!
So there I was with my unfinished coffee, a pen in my hand, papers scattered on the table and me, well busy writing the stuffs down which are crucial for the company's income. My brain was going on an overdrive as I cliched my contacts which were relevant for the deal that I am seing dollar signs on.
Confused? hehehe.. other than doing engineering work, I have also do the sales of the trading my company is doing. Yes, ladies & gentlemen, I am a very flexible worker who does any job that is thrown at me.
The moment I turn on my office comp, I was practically busy with the current project and nearly missed lunch. Took lunch at 2pm but even eating, my brain was chugging at the lists that I had done in the morning. Which reminds me.. I need to check on the project at the PTP. The customer did say that they wanted to tender the project to us. Need to know whether it is confirmed or not and the date of the project.
Haiz.. So many things so little time..
So anyway right now I'm jumping with excitement as I once again installed my sims2. GO hunny!! I wanted to get the rest of the x-pansion packs but.. way too lazy to go hunting for it..
Til next time dearies!!
Quote of the day: none for the moment... can't think of one
Posted by
4:52 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005
Fangy Achievements
12th December 2005
Yay for me!! Finally after endless nights of pondering on what to put on the unedited Chp 13 of Indigo Eyes, I have finally completed the chappie! Woohoo for me!!!
This chapter is like my baby. I have never felt so proud of myself and so.. estatic!! It took me so many nights trying to fit in the missing pieces and to make the chapter flow smoothly with the previous chapters. Yes, by the time I filled in the gaps, I was grinning like a simpleton. hehehe...
So yeah... the chapter has now been updated at FF.net, so those who wish to read on it, well press the button on the side bar.
Anyway I had loads of fun during my B-Day... Had the fun of my life!! I will forever remember it and no I won't describe what I did.. hehehe...
Till next time!
Quote of the day: Smile and enjoy your days no matter how tough it is.
Posted by
2:08 PM
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Even Vampires Got Bugged!!!
8th December 2005, 10.35pm
Today, *glares murderously at the desktop pc* I spend the whole day trying to get the traitorous pc back in the pink of health. I'm totally gonna murder the idiot who founded spyware/adware!! Its causing me more headache than I would have thought posibble. Now instead of having problems with my I.E browser, I can't log into the net and... the DUMB PC LAGS like a person suffering from constipation.
Argh! I'm seriously contemplating the joy of putting live big fat juicy maggots in the idiot's brain that causes this. My patience is wearing very thin..
Its a good thing that I still have my reliable laptop. *caress lovingly on the Toshiba laptop* Else I would have gone nutsy!!
Do you know how frustrating, how nerve-wrecking, how mind-straining the pure torture it gives to the users? If only I could... Ok zackire.. Breathe in, breathe out... keep cool.. Grr...
Patience hunny... I need to be patient...
Well! *lets out a loud long sigh* Its a few more hours before I'm officially one year older, the day that marks the continuation of the wrinkle plagues. Oh yeah my skin condition is terrible, I look like a wrinkled old granny with overly dry barbequed skin. Yes I know, human didn't create mosturisers for nothing.
Lately, I've been yearning to eat big fat juicy steaks, ice kacang, sour plums and potato chips! Dun ask me why, perhaps I'm going to have my cycle. It always happen whenever my cycle is near. Though the very idea of eating a thick slab of juicy tender T-bone or loin steak is very mouth watering.
Yummy... *drools*
Haiz... But I can't. I need to save and I need to diet. hehehe...
Oklah gotta go now.. Still need to pamper myself..
Ciaoz hunny bunnies!!
Quote of the day: A hungry woman is an angry woman
Posted by
10:34 PM
Coffee Hunting...
8th December 2005, 12.ooam
T-hee!! I just came back from my midnight coffee hunting activities!! hehehe.. *lets out a sigh* Yes I know its late n stuff but hey, I reached home just in time for midnight. Who wouldn't wanna pass a free coffee which taste absoutely heavenly and be pampered by my so very caring fren? I wouldn't! Since today I had 4hrs of pure heavenly sleep in the afternoon and coffee singing their way thorough my veins, I feel like I'm ready to conquer the world right now.
Hey don't look at me as if I haven't done any work!! I did!! I got heat burns from the amount of welding jobs I did, trust me the pain is as good as hours of sunburn. So other than fixing the dumb bug in my pc, welding and yada-yada, the day was quite smooth.
There are pending bills and accounts which are giving me a sore eyes but I think I shall leave it for tomorrow, else I'll be so bored that I will start to think that making paper aeroplane is a very interesting issue. Hehehe..
Haiz... Yeah I know that Indigo Eyes is still in pending but I promise to send it out by next week. Hunny, life is never easy and please remember that I have to juggle loads of stuff before I could find some precious time to indulge in my pleasure.
Oh yeah!! My B-day is like one more day to go and no I'm not at all excited. But I think what I'm gonna do for my B-day, that is if none has set anything for me to do, I'd like to cuddle in my bed with a thick new book probably from Terry Brooks or Michael A. Stackpole latest release and hot warm cocoa drink on my bedside and indulge myself in my feminine side. Although some of my friends think those books are a bit too violent to be read for pampering my feminine self.
*shrugs* Oh well.. I don't bother!! Hahaha.. One's man meat is another man's poison. *snickers*
Oklah I think I have mumbled a lil too much tonite or was it morning?.. Erm.. Don't care!! hehehe..
Ciaoz hunny bunnies!!
Quote of the day: Mixing coke and coffee is the best way to make a vampire hyper!!
Posted by
12:36 AM
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Vampy Has Nitemares
6the December 2005
*shivers* What is the worse thing that could ever happen to me, other than bad coffee... Dreaming of my ex-bf.. Eww... Its disgusting.. Its horrible... Its pure nightmare!!
Truly, I think my subconscious mind which I think is highly bored and have a thing for sleeping early, hates me.. grr.. of all the nonsensical stuffs one could dream off. But at the very least in my dream, I get to say to that idiot how much I 'loved' him and what I think of his suffocating too much attention lovey-dovey attitude towards me. It was pure pleasure to see that crushed look on his face. Oh how sweet revenge is..
So anyway today I did work which of course involved welding, repairing poofed out heavy machinery, playing with 3-phase voltage... erm... cut it short, I did my engineering works.. hehehe..
*gasp* What?! A girl doing welding?! Yeah.. yeah.. So? If men can do it, why can't women? Sheesh... people these days.. So male chauvanist!
I feel very estatic today cuz 2 of my fav fics have been updated!! Woohoo way to go peeps!! I guess I'm not the only one with problems in updating fics.. hehehe..
I still haven't post up Indigo Eyes yet.. I've found the chapter to be missing a few 'UMPH' and there are a few bumbs here and there, so maybe by the end of this week I shall post up the edited and revised version of Chp 13 Indigo Eyes.
Therefore before I find myself daggered through with pencils and sharpened candy canes, I better take my leave.. hehehe..
Ciaoz people!!
Quote of the day: Never think that you are alone in the world
Posted by
8:19 PM
Monday, December 05, 2005
5th December 2005
I dunno what mom was trying to do but she nearly killed my still-sleeping brain cells with coffee which tasted worse than the weird concoction which I made months ago. Good heavens, it was a total eye jerker for me.
Ugh.. Bad coffee.. That 'sewer drink' should be made illegal!! Gah!!! * shudders at the memory*
Every morning I must have my daily dosage of the heavenly drink before my brain cells could start cranking its rusty and totally stubborn gears into working. And as usual, today I came down from my room with eyebags that could best those pandas in China, poured coffee for myself that was already prepared by mom, drank it only to have it being spat out in the next second.
Yuck!!! Mom heard the retching noises I made and investigated it. She took a look at my expression (no I'm not gonna describe it = p ) and burst out in laughter. Gah!! Am I the only person in the world that has to suffer through this torture? It took her a few minutes to recover and yes I did asked her why she didn't forewarned me earlier. She said she did warned me but I was in my bed when she told me that 'little' information.
Gah!! How was I to know.. Brain never function till coffee is in my veins.. Why in the first place did she make that coffee? haiz... oh I forgot, my fren gave it the day before.. Haiz... Poor me..
After some serious mugs of REAL COFFEE, my brain finally functioned although there was a few glitches during the first few hours. hehehe...
Anyway I helped mom rearraged her garden which looks strangely like a miniature jungle *snickers*. I had a good shock at the amount of weeds and dunno-what-not that was present. That explains the origin of flying bloodsuckers..
Are colored light bulbs suppose to be in buried in soils? *snickers*
So I de-weed them, snip here and there, rearranged the pots and plants, add some pebbles and cute stones and seashells and voilah! I got a a very nice WELL MAINTAINED garden. Did I mention that I found a palm size black frog in one of the pots?
As I have said... a miniature jungle.. hehehe... Am I being over sarcastic? hehehe..
Oklah Gotta go hunny!! Cya later!!
Qoute of the day: Coffee Yum... Caramel is YUMMIER!!!
Posted by
10:05 PM