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Monday, March 24, 2008

Investing in Gold

Just a few weeks ago, I had posted an article on Helium about Commodities Futures. It involves topics that are widely discussed in commodities trading and also the volatility of the market. The current price of gold as of 24/03/2008, 0709hrs New York Time is USD943.20 per troy ounce.

So its a good time to sell off your gold jeweleries and your gold coins collection. It's a good investment with the profit doubling from the amount that was bought. However if you wish to buy gold for a special occasion, then it's best you start watching the update of the commodities futures.

If the price of crude oil increased, then you can forgo the thought of buying gold. But if you just don't have the time to look the price up on New York Metal Exchange, you can always engage a professional consultant to take up the job.

It's more advisable to engage in a professional consultant for first timers. At Monex Precious Metals, they have professional consultants which you can engage to either sell or buy gold coins, gold bullion or to manage your investment.

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