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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Get a valid Insurance!

I was having my morning coffee with my ritual newspaper laid in front of me. It is a habitual routine for me to always keep track with the latest news and updates especially in the business line. Scanning through the prime time news, it was not surprising to find traffic accidents flaming the headlines.

For the past few days, Johor has been hit with heavy thunderstorms with flash floods. Many unfortunate victims were caught unprepared and was left almost penniless in the after event of repairing their destroyed homes. Motorists danced the thin line of death at every slippery roads and unseen potholes.

Malaysians are not the only one who are plundered with road accidents. A friend of mine from Austin, USA, recently met with a road accident. Thankfully, he was unharmed, although I couldn't say the same thing about his Mini Cooper.

Other than getting some demerit point on his driving license, he is also filing his insurance claim with Austin car accident attorney. So no worries about bearing all the expenses on the wrecked car.

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