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Sunday, September 09, 2007


9th September 07

I'm still freezing mad about yesterday's meeting with my main-con. The idiotic demands they have requested is totally absurb. How could they request 35% of my total contract exclusive of the $50k which they will be taking for the supply of materials to my company. It's not at all agreeable to me and my company. If I were to accept it, I'll be left with only $15k which my salary and my other personnels' have accounted for.

Bull shit. I'm thinking of leaving the bloody project and let them take over after I get the $35k. It's really making me lose over my sleep..

Haiz.. This morning I happen to chance over the gossip paper, Metro. A particular news caught my attention. A woman was left on the altar. Its really sad and I totally feel disgusted by the groom's action. The bride's parents have even tried helping the groom on cashing out the dowry by either letting him pay half of the amount which is USD2000 or if he still can't afford it by the wedding day, the groom can just show a cheque with the said amount (just for the show) even if there is not enough cash in the account.

And yet the heartless coward didn't comply and instead took the easy way out, not even attendind the wedding at all. Truly if I ever to happen such guys like him, I'm more than happy to brain him with my umbrella.

I'm just hoping that will never happen to me... Scary to even think..

And can someone tell me what has happened to my whacko of a brother?? I've been trying to ask how he's been... that old man really worries me at times...

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