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Friday, September 22, 2006

Lost and still searching...

22nd September 2006,

Can you believe this? I had stayed up all night reading the quotation and I found that its not even complete. Kept calling my supplier but he off his handphone.. So now waiting diligently for his call.

Morning started off with a bang with my dad.. Oh its just the usual work discussion that went wrong which of course nearly shook the rafters and the building foundation.. hehehe... But now the storm is calm and birds are chirping once again.. hehehe..

Going for meeting in about a few hours, my brain is still trying to switch off and go into hibernation. Did I tell you that last night was warm!! I didn't on the air-con but I did open the windows and its still warm...

Going to go to Singapore later also. Ramadan is tomorrow.. No food, no drink, good slimming month.. hoorah!!

picture lova link

1 comment:

d3arieana said...

hey..balek spore tk blg!! leh jumpe..;P